Monday, January 7, 2013

Substituting God for Government

Atheists' decry religion as a crutch for the weak minded. They ridicule faith as being "blind" and something that enslaves minds. They scoff at Christmas, Santa Claus and the whole "holla balu" as being for children (which most of it is Mr. Grinch). The main point seems to be that they want nothing to do with the things of the Church, the Bible or religion in general because they want to be "free thinkers" or perhaps they want the air of self-reliance.

This is not case however and one shouldn't be given into this smoke and mirrors line of rhetoric. It is one thing to ridicule someone for needing a crutch but if that someone is in a wheelchair who is the real handicap in the scenario? Atheists have not given up faith, fiction, holidays or any other element that can be associated with a faith based religion. They have merely substituted it for something else, mainly their over reliance on science and government.

The unbelieving use books the same as the religious. The unbelieving have faith in a system even more controlling in the lives under its jurisdiction, the government. Science is ever changing, and it's biggest proponents even admit to this. Government is there for you to feed you, take care of your illnesses, give you money, food, shelter. These things we once depended upon God for, we had faith in His providence to give us what we ask for. Now we simply apply for aid from a government agency with new scientific methods of assisting her citizens. The Government is the new crutch. But if you think its working, try being a victim of a hurricane. FEMA has some pretty tight purse strings from what I hear.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

When I first got my dog, a little over a year ago, I wanted to know more about him and his tendencies. Marlon is a Min Pin. I did not name him Marlon, I think animals should be named animal names not people names, but I digress. In my effort to learn about min pins I watched some videos on Youtube posted by owners of this much loved breed. What I learned is that Marlon looks and acts in a very similar way to most of the dogs on the videos. The Min Pin breed likes to bark at the door, bite your hand or blanket or whatever when playing, and run around when excited. I was stunned that the actions were so similar, that other owners were having a similar experience with their Min Pin as well.
That made me think about the human experience. There are times we are told that we are special and unique and I suppose we are in some ways. But the fact of the matter is we all have very similar thoughts, feelings and experiences, many of which we keep to ourselves. I think we are taught to keep things in, don't expose too much, perhaps because it could be used against you. But it is good to hear the struggles and victories of others. It is nice to know we have shared tendencies, that our heroes go through hard times, depressions and loneliness. Because thats what we all experience at some point. Its nice to read about the men in the Bible and their failures like David, Moses, and Peter. These were some of the greatest men in the History of our faith and yet they fell short of perfection. They disobeyed God, they denied God, there are men in the Bible who got mad at God, even questioned Him.
Knowing all this is like watching a Youtube video of other humans and realizing, hey, I'm human!